Validate authorization policy in MVC6 vnext, asp.net5

###Background vnext now supports creating authorization policies through code. What this means is that you no longer have to copy paste your role/claim names all over your application (Or build your own system around this). You can instead declare policies in a central place and authorize based on these, allowing for easier/safer refactoring.

Barry Dorrans cover how to create/register policies here

###The “problem” What’s missing here is how to check if the current user passes authorization based on the policy in code. I does cover how to validate a policy with the [Authorize(Policy="MyPolicy")] attribute. But in my case I would like to toggle a link in the application based on the policy.

###The solution So how would we write code to toggle this link then? Unfortunately there isn’t something similar to IsInRole() on the User (ClaimsPrincipal) property, Which I guess makes sense.

After digging through some of the source code I found that I probably want to get a hold of an instance of IAuthorizationService. While there isn’t one readily available (as in a specific property) on our Context, we can easily get it through Context.RequestServices.

We have to make sure that we’re using Microsoft.AspNet.Authorization and Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection in our code (the solution works in both our controller/actions, and .cshtml files).

Meaning that our .cshtml file could look something likes this:

@using Microsoft.AspNet.Authorization
@using Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection

@if(await Context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAuthorizationService>().AuthorizeAsync(User, null, "MyPolicy")){
  @Html.ActionLink("Blocked link","Our blocked action")

###UPDATE: A better solution by Barry So I tweeted this to Barry (@blowdart) to get his input, to which he replied “Sort of” (His solution). What I had missed was that we can now do dependency injection in .cshtml files using @inject which is pretty cool. I had also missed that there’s a sync version of Authorize.

The example would now look something like this:

@using Microsoft.AspNet.Authorization

@inject IAuthorizationService AuthorizationService

@if(AuthorizationService.Authorize(User, "MyPolicy")){
  @Html.ActionLink("Blocked link","Our blocked action")

In his example he also moves the @using and @inject into the _ViewImport.cshtml file which makes the AuthorizationService available in all your views without you having to repeat yourself.

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